"Jesuits" Magazine Hightlights Ignatian Young Adult Ministries

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In their most recent issue, "Jesuits" magazine highlighted the new Ignatian Young Adult Ministries initiative of the Office of Ignatian Spirituality.

"Three Ignatian Young Adult Ministries programs will serve young adults on the East Coast in a holistic and distinctly Ignatian style. The programs—Contemplative Leaders in Action (CLA), Charis Ministries, and Jesuit Connections—are uniquely designed to accommodate the kinetic lives of young adults and address their distinct needs. The programs work together to inspire young adults to live as women and men for others, and to offer formation in a way that comports with the realities of their lives."

Read the full story here.


Two CLA Alumnae Reflect on Their Experiences in "Jesuits" Magazine


Contemplatives Leaders in Advent (2017